Get Paid Faster.

Avoid overdrafts, borrowing cash from friends, or late fees with faster access to money you've already earned.

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Branch Wallet

It's where your money lives.

Save, send, or spend

Use your money however you want (even sending your friend cash for that Uber ride) without fees or lag time.

Make money moves

Keep your money snug in the Branch Wallet or transfer between other accounts—we don't get jealous.

Monthly statements + insights

Easily view monthly statements and sign up for a personalized email that finds you new ways to save.
The Branch Card

The zero-fee debit card that's ready to use Day 1.

Real-time balance alerts

There's no lag time between your spending activity and what appears in the app, so you always get real-time data on your balance.
Take A Tour

More perks at the pump

With your Branch Card, gas station holds (minimum charges placed on your account that can cause overdrafts) are a thing of the past.  
Learn more.

Your money, faster.

Get instant access to all your hard-earned money in one place.
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Personalized peace of mind

Get a bird's eye view of money coming in and out—and see how much you can spend each day until your next paycheck.

Become a bill-paying MVP

Quickly view which bills are due next so there are no surprise hits to your account.

Start Using Branch

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